
11th Circuit reverses summary judgment for credit reporting agency under FCRA finding mere verification with provider insufficient where consumer advised that reaffirmation had been rescinded

 The 11th Circuit just recently entered a decision on the liability of credit reporting agencies for continuing to report an obligation owed on a debt discharged in bankruptcy.  In Losch v. Nationwide Mortg. LLC, 2021 U.S. App. LEXIS 12578, Case no. 20-10695 (28 April 2021) the debtor, Losch, initially reaffirmed the mortgage, but rescinded such reaffirmation (with court approval) after the trustee sold the home.  Upon discovering that Esperian was continuing to report a $140,000 balance and that he was delinquent on the mortgage in the amount of $10,000, he contacted the agency to have them correct the issue, but the agency’s inquiry with its data furnisher – Nationstar, inaccurately confirmed the prior report.